Visa Options for Skilled Professionals: A Deep Dive into the Subclass 189 and 190 Visas

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  • Visa Options for Skilled Professionals: A Deep Dive into the Subclass 189 and 190 Visas

In today’s rapidly globalizing world, the pursuit of skilled professionals is on the rise. Countries are eager to attract and retain talents who can contribute to their economic growth and development. Among the various immigration pathways available, the Subclass 189 and 190 visas have emerged as highly sought-after options for skilled professionals looking to make a new home in Australia. In this comprehensive guide, we explore these visas in detail, shedding light on their requirements, benefits, and the process involved in obtaining them.

Subclass 189 Visa: The Independent Skilled Visa

The Subclass 189 Visa, often referred to as the Independent Skilled Visa, is a points-tested visa for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer or family member. This visa is a pathway to permanent residency in Australia. Here are the key details you need to know:

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Subclass 189 Visa, you must:

  • Occupation: Your occupation must be on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).
  • Points Test: You need to pass the points test, which evaluates your age, English language proficiency, work experience, and qualifications.
  • Invitation: You must receive an invitation to apply for this visa, usually based on your points score.


The Subclass 189 Visa offers several advantages:

  • Permanent Residency: Once granted, this visa allows you to live and work in Australia indefinitely.
  • Full Work Rights: You can work for any employer and in any occupation.
  • Access to Medicare: You are eligible for Australia’s public healthcare system.
  • Education: You can enroll in educational courses and benefit from Australia’s world-class education system.
  • Path to Citizenship: After living in Australia for a specified period as a permanent resident, you can apply for Australian citizenship.

Subclass 190 Visa: The State Nominated Visa

The Subclass 190 Visa, also known as the State Nominated Visa, is a points-tested visa that requires nomination by an Australian state or territory government. This visa, like the Subclass 189, leads to permanent residency in Australia. Here’s what you need to know about it:

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Subclass 190 Visa, you must:

  • Occupation: Your occupation should be on the relevant state or territory’s skilled occupation list.
  • Nomination: You must be nominated by a state or territory government.
  • Points Test: Just like the Subclass 189, you need to pass the points test.


The Subclass 190 Visa offers similar benefits to the Subclass 189 Visa, with the added advantage of state or territory nomination:

  • Permanent Residency: This visa grants you permanent residency status in Australia.
  • Full Work Rights: You can work for any employer and in any occupation.
  • Access to Medicare: You are eligible for Australia’s public healthcare system.
  • Education: You can access top-notch educational institutions.
  • Path to Citizenship: After meeting the residency requirements, you can apply for Australian citizenship.

Applying for a Skilled Visa

The process of applying for both the Subclass 189 and 190 visas involves several steps:

  • Skills Assessment: Before you submit an Expression of Interest (EOI), you must have your skills assessed by the relevant assessing authority for your occupation.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI): Create an EOI through the Australian government’s SkillSelect system. This is where you provide information about your skills, qualifications, and other relevant details.
  • Invitation: If you score enough points and meet the eligibility criteria, you may receive an invitation to apply for the visa.
  • Visa Application: Submit your visa application within the specified time frame after receiving an invitation. Provide all required documentation and pay the necessary fees.
  • Health and Character Checks: You will need to undergo health and character assessments as part of the application process.
  • Wait for a Decision: The processing time for skilled visas can vary, so it’s essential to be patient.
  • Visa Grant: If your application is successful, you will receive a grant notification. Congratulations, you are now on your way to becoming a permanent resident of Australia!

The Subclass 189 and 190 visas are excellent options for skilled professionals seeking to make Australia their new home. They provide a pathway to permanent residency and offer numerous benefits, including work rights, access to healthcare, and educational opportunities. However, it’s crucial to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria and complete the application process accurately to increase your chances of success.

If you are considering applying for one of these visas, be sure to consult with a migration agent or legal professional with expertise in Australian immigration law. This can help you navigate the process smoothly and increase your chances of a successful application.

In conclusion, Australia’s Subclass 189 and 190 visas are highly desirable for skilled professionals, offering a fantastic opportunity to build a new life in this diverse and vibrant country.

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